There are so many perks to getting older. Having the weekends free to not have to study and do homework, having money from a real job to spend on said weekends, and having old friends that live in cool places around the country. This past weekend, I was able to stay with friends in one of those places and traveled to meet some high school friends in Chicago. It was my first time there as a real adult and after living in NYC. As much as I love NYC, I fell in love with Chicago. Here’s what we did, saw, and ate during our weekend. I’m also sharing the Vlog I put together down below!
iO Improve Theater // We saw a Shakespeare Improve show here on Friday night which was a perfect way to start the weekend. The theater was right by Goose Island Brewery, which is where we decided to eat dinner. There are also other stand up and improv shows offered at a theater for around $20-30 each. A pretty affordable option for some entertainment if you’re looking to break up the weekend!
Architecture Boat Tour // If this is one of your first times in Chicago, or you’re just looking for a scenic ride on a beautiful day, this is a must. There are lots of companies that offer rides, which means they could all be a little different. (We chose Wendella & highly recommend!) We did the river and lake view ride which ran about 2 hours long.
Goose Island Brewery // If you’re a beer fan of any sort, then you’ve probably heard of Goose Island. Little did I know, there is actually an island called Goose Island right in the middle of Chicago where the beer company is brews a lot of their beers. We started our night here before the improv show and had so much fun trying different beer selections and filling up on some fried food. Next time I’m in town I’m definitely doing a tour!
Brunch at The Hutch & Zia Lago Vista // After our fair share of brunching this weekend, it’s safe to say these places were both amazing. I measure the likes of brunch by the way of flowing mimosas and indulgent food. Both exceeding in those areas!
Beatrix // We ate dinner here on our final night in Chicago, which added the perfect healthy mix to our very glutinous weekend. Their cocktails were described as spiked spa water and they had beautiful salads that were also delicious! Not to mention, the restaurant was stunningly beautiful and in the perfect area to head out to more bars to continue the night. We ate at the River North location.