Being a young 20-something year old in my second year out of school I’ve already failed plenty of times and I’m not afraid to admit it. Sure, I’ve also had my successes and made sure to celebrate those every time they come around, but there would be nothing to celebrate if I didn’t have my failures to learn from.
The more we try and accept the possibility of failing, the more we’re able to see the successes we have. One of the recent risk of failures I’ve taken is starting this blog. It’s something that I used to play around with in high school and college but always wanted to start my own that was primarily fashion focused. It look me almost a year after graduating to get the guts to begin posting photos of myself and take the leap of creating content focused on my life. I knew there was a chance of failure (and that there still is) but if I continue to focus on my main goal of sharing my love for fashion & beauty, then I know I’ll have succeeded in my own eyes.
This is a quote that I’ve really been able to relate to recently:
“Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable” -Coco Chanel
Noted Details is a Denver based company that creates handmade decor for almost any occasion. Maria, the hands behind these gorgeous pieces, loves to work with her clients to create pieces that are unique. She took the quote I knew I wanted and created this beautiful piece for me. This was the first time she tried watercolor and it turned out amazing!
Likes, comments, and popularity of my blog aside..this is my vow to accept failures along the way but continue to share my passion through Blue Eyed Buttons. I hope you can join me!
Xo, Samantha